Day Twelve

Foot off the gas Fri Apr 30th Hyannis, Bridle, Fishermans and Baden Powell Mainly because it was pouring with rain this morning - a more leisurely start was promised . Jack poked his head out first thing and thought better of it. Odd for a dog that heads to the nearest water whenever we are out. A mid morning walk first thing around the trails just north of us - Hyannis, Bridle, Fishermans and Baden Powell was at a quick pace. Maybe a run tomorrow! Moist but not drenching. A few dog walkers, a couple of joggers and lots of pines! We have been researching properties ready for viewing next week when we head across to the Sunshine Coast on Sunday. A property we were particularly interested in near Gibsons, that came in from our realtor this morning and we'd booked to see Sunday lunchtime, had gone by lunchtime today, such is the BC property market at the moment! We find our media viewing and listening habits have changed materially ...