Day Eleven

Norvan Falls

Skunk Cabbage - grows in bogs, it smells
Thu Apr 29

The weather was set fair so we decided today was a good day to do the roundtrip to the Norvan Falls.  A minimum of 14k, but longer if you park down the hill (to avoid the paid for car parks), which will add at least 2k.  We parked down the hill!

We had walked half the trail on Sunday, but then hadn't come prepared to do the full distance, plus it was raining!  The lower half is relatively straight forward, though there are some areas strewn with rock, tree roots or just a bit boggy.

On Sunday we got as far as The Debris Chute, an open area accessible by service and emergency helicopters which has a strange metal locked cylinder.  We assume it has rescue or services equipment.  On Sunday we'd seen a couple of BC Parks staff walking up carrying a chain-saw on their backs, but no fuel.

Today we discovered the second half of the trail is classed as 'intermediate' and is hard work.  Uphill to the falls, small rock 
and timber strewn gorges that need to be navigated carefully 
down and up.  No bridges, a few board-walks and yellow squares nailed to trees every 2-30 m, to show where the trail is.

Jack was in his element and if our walk was 16k, his must have been at least half as much again!

Fred's walking poles were put to good use and really helped with the more demanding sections of the trail, both uphill and down and there was a lot of that.  

On the way up we saw just 6 passers-by, other trekkers, some with dogs; on the way down it was many more.

It was rugged and unspoilt, a forest wilderness; and yet we were no more than 7k from Upper Lynn's residential area.

The birdlife was more prolific nearer the top, but I only managed to get some pictures of a Stellar's Jay, the woodpecker flew off before I got my camera out. 

When we finally got to the falls and Fred saw the rope suspension foot bridge she said, 'well that made the long hike worth it' and was keen to get straight onto the wobbly but well constructed metal 'rope' construction into the middle for a better vantage point to photograph the falls..... on returning she said 'that was a bit of fun', I don't think so!

The round trip took just under five hours with refreshment breaks.  I think tomorrow we will ache!

Tree Stump pock-marked with Woodpecker holes
Stellar's Jay

Norvan Falls


  1. Looks fabulous, well done you two - did Bro inch out onto the bridge? Bruv

  2. Hale storms here, snow on Chute causeway today! I did 7 miles yesterday and thought I did well! At least we have had the much needed rain. You look as if you are exploring the countryside. All so wild and unspoilt. Seen any animal life? Liz x

    1. Winter returned then. We’ve had a few days of rain here, but not that cold! Mostly birds on the wildlife side. We bought bear bangers and bear spray for our treks. It’s working really well as we’ve not seen any bears yet! :-)


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