Day Five

Cars and More Cars

Thu 22 April

Today was about cars, all day.  After coffee in Kitsilano, it was off to Richmond, out near the Airport, to another car retail park.  A few more test drives and the list narrows.  Toyota Highlander, Ford Explorer, Discovery Sport and Jeep Grand Cherokee.  We don't anticipate doing a lot of town driving and want something that will tow and be safe on the trails.  The last two made the final shortlist and the evening was spent reviewing specs for a decision Friday morning.

Lunch back in Kits was followed by a quick trip to the bank to see if we could open a joint account with Nick.  Not possible until we have something other than visitor status.  So getting local debit cards and cash management is at least five months away.  

Back to North Van via the Lion's Gate Bridge. 

Whether viewed from Stanley Park below where it's possible to admire the bridge structure and architecture, or from the bridge itself which provides amazing views of the bay, North Shore, the CBD, and Stanley Park, it is another view I have not tired of.  The video does not do it justice.

Back in North van and a walk up on the Hyannis Trail with Jack provided an opportunity to catch the forest  in an early evening light.

Here are just a few of the images.  The forest and residential areas coexist in a way that provides a stark contrast between the human presence and wild nature of the trails.  Fallen and felled trees are left to rot.  New trees grow off the fallen lumbar, either at ground level or several metres up creating strange growths all covered with the lichens that give the Jurassic Park feel to the forests. 


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