The Big Melt

Just as the crampons are due to arrive!

Thu Jan 13th
Dakota Ridge

After nearly four weeks of snow and ice, temperatures have climbed above freezing and storms together with heavy rain Tuesday and overnight Wednesday, have cleared most of the ice and snow except where it's ploughed up at the edge of the road. 

Having both gone over on the icy roads we, along with nearly everybody else on the Coast who didn't already have them, have ordered crampons to reduce falls and slips.  Inevitably they will arrive after we need them unless new snow arrives.  That said we'll have them for next winter!  They are, we have decided, an essential accessory.

The heavy rain and wind caused quite a bit of damage around the southern coast of BC as it coincided with King (Spring) tides.  

Low lying areas around Vancouver were flooded and logs washed up on the beaches. The sea wall around Stanley Park, a circular walk and cycle route that goes under the spectacular Lion's Gate Bridge that is a major attraction in Vancouver, was badly damaged.  A great shame as it's a great cycle ride and a 'must do' for visitors to Vancouver.

It is now closed off to the public with no date for when engineers and park staff are going to be able to assess and repair the damage.  There is a link to news footage here.

The son and girlfriend of UK friends came over to the Coast for the weekend and we took them up to
Dakota Ridge on Sunday and headed out on one of the snowshoe trails.  It was slightly warmer this time and a clear blue 'bluebird' sky.  The views from the top were stunning.  

Jack demonstrated his love of the snow by eating it, rolling in it, running through it and burying his head in the drifts where he thought there was a scent worth checking out.  Last visit his paws iced up and he was constantly stopping to chew it out.  We checked out dog boots, but so had many others and decided that the only ones left in a shocking colour red, would not really suit a working gun dog, so trimmed the fur in and around his paws, which did the trick.   

The parking lot at the top of Dakota Ridge which is reached via 14k icy/snowy forest service road was nearly full when we arrived. There was a 'Jackrabbits' Nordic ski club event on for the 6 - 12 year olds.  

The new snow chains were put to good use, though we were surprised some adventurous types had decided to drive to the top without them.  Some did not make it and when it got down to a single lane above the mid-point with banked snow on each side, they had to gently reverse back down as they were unable to effectively control their vehicle.  Complete numpties!

The end of the snow and ice also means we may get our bins collected after 4 weeks.  Tuesday didn't happen and on ringing the contractor on Thursday morning our road was listed as being 'cleared'.  On this morning's Jack constitutional ten properties still had uncollected bins. We are not, I was told, the only ones.  The post has been getting through, not so courier deliveries... the first and much delayed parcel arrived yesterday.

Some more images of Dakota Ridge.

Immersed in snow

Snow chains essential

There is a tree there somewhere




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