Fall's Arrived
Black Bear Cub passes through
Skeins of honking Canada Geese are now in evidence as they ready to migrate to their wintering grounds. At one time they would head off to southern USA. These days they may not get as far if they find food and suitable habitat on route, especially around urban environments.
The Acers around the house are starting to take on an orange hue but have not yet reached that fiery red so typical of the species. Their related large leaf Maple and other deciduous trees are beginning to turn, some leaves already dropping though this is more to do with the summer drought. Current temperatures remain mild, though there is a definite chill first thing in the morning and evenings. During the day in the sun, it remains pleasantly warm.
North American Robins, the size of a UK Thrush but with a red or orange breast and Northern Flickers, a member of the woodpecker family, are gorging on the Rowan berries up behind the house. It's a North American variety (Sorbus sitchensis), different to the European offering, which is regarded as an invasive species. The American Beautyberry (Callicarpa Americana) with mauve or purple berries is also popular with the smaller birds.
Bears are now increasingly active during the day as they try to eat and drink as much as possible to gain weight in readiness for hibernation. A phase called hyperphagia - excessive eating and drinking.
A lone young bear made its way up through our drive yesterday morning. Either separated from its mother or a 2020 cub, as they tend to stay with their mothers for around eighteen months.
It was about 0922 and Fred was upstairs in the office and I was in the living room. All three of us disappointingly unaware of its presence. It was picked up on the security camera and I happened to check the recordings. Alerts, which I thought were on but proved not to be, are now definitely working.
As Fred was playing tennis for most of the afternoon, I spent some time in the workshop, reorganizing the layout and creating more space. I am hoping the spares for some of the kit I bought will arrive next week and I can finish setting it all up.
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