Heatwave Back

Jack to Vet, Toads on the Move Fri Jul 30th Sat Jul 31st Friday Today it's a 34 C day and no sea breeze. Tonight it will cool to 23 C. We have another day of it tomorrow before the weather returns to seasonal norms, whatever that is these days. Threats of rain and lightning over metro Vancouver will probably not reach us. The rain would be welcome, though lightning brings with it a greater risk of forest fires, a double edged sword. This sign adorned the vet's surgery. We think Jack might score 10.5 out of 15 on the attached. He loves rolling in the mud, the forest floor, beach/foreshore, carpet, lawn (dry and brown) and in recent days to 'scratch' his ears. Hence the visit to the vet. A yeast infection in both ears, common in dogs that like swimming!!! You try keeping him out of the water Dr Vet! I'll leave you to judge the 4 - 5 fails! He rather took to the vet, which is unusual. She had hi...