The Longest Day
Summer Solstice
Mon Jun 21stTurkey Vulture - Stunning but not pretty!
According to the Government of Canada Twitter account for the June 21st, "It'll officially be Summer in the Northern Hemisphere! The #SummerSolstice means early sunrises, late sunsets, warm weather, and a whole lot of outdoor activities." I thought the whole point of a solstice, was that the days started getting shorter and the nights longer in June, or the other way around in December. So as of today the days start getting shorter than the nights. That said, as we are not yet Resident in Canada, I am not about to start being pedantic about the wording of their Twitter account.
Yesterday and today had temperatures about 10c above normal. An early morning dog walk was followed by a dip in Mixal. There was sighting of the rare Grey Dipper again! It was amazingly warm. The dockside thermometer was registering a water temp of 22c. Five metres away from the dock was distinctly cooler!
Much of today was spent sorting out arrangements for our week back in North Vancouver and the move to our long term rental near Gibsons. The boiler replacement which had delayed the start of the Gibsons rental was finally completed today and we take on the rental on 1st July, though will not move in until the 3rd. During the week back in N Van, we will be rushing around getting stuff for the house and taking it over to Gibsons as well as getting some work done on the car. Various deliveries need coordinating with the rental agent, some of which start arriving this week.
The first deliveries start arriving at the house on Wednesday, though the local telco, Telus, delivered the internet kit today, five days ahead of schedule.This afternoon we spent some time in the garden/back yard and a Turkey Vulture started flying over really low. Image above.
A quick trip down to John Henry's to pick up some bits and pieces and enjoy an ice-cream (not a Mike's Kronk icecream I hasten to add as per Fred's social media postings) there, preceded another cooling dip in MIxal. I am pushing out my distances each time but aim to swim around the island by the end of the week.
As I was cooking supper Jack started sounding off in the garden. A pair of otters were fishing in the lake on the edge of the plot. We think there could have been a third, but the light was beginning to go, so we're not sure.
Tomorrow we head off early to get the ferry to Powell River. An easier journey while we are at this end of the Coast.
Not sure I understand the solstice logic - but maybe its a Canadian influenced thing...... Bruv