Salt & Vinegar or Gravy with your

Chips Portland Willamette River waterfront A Canadian export that the USA can't slap an import tax on - the more the merrier, they crap everywhere! Thu Aug 29 A 45 min hop in a Dash 8 If you have been brought up on salt and vinegar with your chips (or fries as they are known over here) the idea of having them soaked in gravy may feel somewhat alien. Poutine, or fries with brown gravy and cheese curds originated in Quebec. Some say it was invented to mock French society (and cuisine) in the Francophone province. Whatever the true story it has become popular across Canada. I have avoided it, preferring to stick with the traditional British salt and vinegar 'dressing'. I mention it because we were in Portland last weekend and spent our first evening at a Peruvian restaurant. I ordered Lomo Saltado or stir-fried sirloin with tamari, tomatoes, red onion, papas fritas (fries), garlic and rice. Tamari, it turns out is a brown sauce, a byproduct ...