Birthday's, Anniversaries and

A Coyote Sun April 28th Jack was distinctly unimpressed by the lunchtime visitor, the Coyote was underwhelmed by Jack's objections We were so preoccupied enjoying the first decent bit of snow this year when we went up to Whistler, that it completely slipped our minds that April 3rd was the 3rd anniversary of our arrival in Canada, and therefore didn't make the last blog. While in Whistler, we did go out to our favourite Creekside restaurant ( The Red Door Bistro ) to celebrate Fred's pending birthday and might have had an extra bottle if we'd remembered our Canada anniversary. The reason for the early birthday celebration was primarily because there are no fine-dining restaurants on the Coast, and we like the Red Door Bistro. I am not sure q uite why April 3rd passed us by. Maybe it's because being here has become the norm. It hasn't lost any of its beauty and we still marvel at our luck at being able to live here. Whether its drivin...