The World Gets Ever Smaller

Marlborough Wed Nov 29th Two of the family of otters on the shoreline On my morning ambles with Jack I've got chatting to a fellow dog walker who has a bouncy Irish Terrier, eight months old and paws the size of snowshoes. Well I never...she is from the UK and lived near Bristol. Her husband comes from Marlborough and he and his three brothers, all went to the same school as Nick and Ros. One brother in the same year and friends group as Ros. I suspect one of the masters from the school and occasional reader of this blog, might might know the four Loosemore lads. It's Tom who is out here and living a few hundred yards away, as the Bald Eagle flies. This is the second person from Marlborough (Pop. 9129) we know living on the Coast (100km long and Pop. 32,000), though the first one moved from Marlborough when the population was probably half what it is now! I am going to have to start reading up on 'probability' though I suspect the rug...