Coincidence or what?
Beans Means Heinz Thu Oct 19th But which ones? An excursion to our local supermarket the other day left me curious about the difference between the original Heinz Baked Beans sold in Canada and the British Style sold alongside. After a bit of research it appears it is not limited to just to basic styles and the original baked beans in Canada may be different again to those sold in the USA. One video I stumbled across Original v British Baked beans suggested the British Style had less sugar. It went on to say that the British Style were different to the original beans sold in the UK. Commentators in the USA indicated their 'original beans' were darker, sweeter and had a more smoky flavour through the addition of pork. By this stage I decided I'd bean dwelling on this far too long, and gave up! Turnstone In the last blog I posted a picture of what I thought was a Least Sandpiper. My personal birding advisor (PBA), who I worked alongside ...