Orca Off Bonniebrook

Two Years in Canada Monday April 17th T087 Harbeson A stroll down to the beach on Wednesday evening was rewarded with the sighting of a pod of Orca, about 4-6 of them, splashing around about 200-400m off the beach. It is the first time in nearly two years on the Coast that we have seen Orca from this beach. A year ago Fred had spotted a pod just 50m off-shore at Hopkin's Landing beach when we lived in Langdale, we have spotted them from afar on one of our ferry rides a year or two back and I've seen them from a distance when out sailing, but never this close and this active! You can just see the water spout from the smaller whale They had been seen earlier during the day further up the Coast and two were identified as T087 Harbeson and T06A5 Indy, but what species of Orca? According to a website that covers Salish Sea Orcas there are only about 73 Southern Orca remaining in the Salish Sea in three distinct pods, JPod, KPod and LPod a...