For Sale

One (Not so) Careful Owner Mon March 20th It is a popular spot for locals wanting to sell a vehicle though one owner might rue the day they parked up along the highway with a For Sale notice. The wreck has been there a week and some wag has now added a new For Sale sign "Fire Sale - $15,000 - No low bids". A tad optimistic I feel. Fred continues to make strides in her recovery, up to 2km of them a day, and was even spotted in the garden last week. She can't drive until Monday 27th so I remain head chauffeur until then, much to her frustration and mine! The local birdlife thinks it's Spring as drab winter plumage has given way to brighter colours in support of mating rituals. We have been visited in the garden by Steller's Jays, Pileated Woodpeckers, Northern Flickers (also a member of the woodpecker family) and the Hummingbirds are back. The Bald Eagles are doing some housekeeping on their nest high up on a Douglas Fir along the beach road. Bird...